Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My Marine!!!

Today My Marine leaves out to do some training for 20 days!!! I know he is a Marine and that he will be just fine!!! He has lots of special people praying for him!!! But I still say he is MY BABY!!! He can not wait to get back from this trip so that he can come home for a few days!!!! He loves his family and never knew just how much until he joined the Military! But most of all he loves his church!! Especially our Pastor!! He loves to play his guitar!!! He is just special!! He called last night and told me that he was being made a Lance Corporal he was excited!!! Not alot this morning...Just got up with him on my
mind and I will just fill you up with pictures of him today!!! So enjoy... He is says it is like he is famous when he comes home because eveyone wants to see him!!! He is special and he knows it!!!
Everyone please keep him in your prayers!!! I hope that everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!!! God Bless you ALL!!!!!


  1. What a fine and handsome man he has become! I know you are so proud, but I'm sure you still see him as your BABY! I know I will always look at Reid like that, too, no matter how big and strong he is..
    Have a great day and love ya lots!

  2. Love that Marine and praying for his safe return!!!!! He is so special to me and handsome, woohoo!

  3. Yep, he sure is handsome. Still looks like a baby in his mama's eyes, though, I'm sure. I know the feeling all too well. I'll keep him in my prayers, and you too.
