Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cook Out!!

As probably everyone else we cooked out yesterday! We didn't decide until the last minute to do so...but it was wonderful!! This is my Husband Jeff at the grill and he cooked everything that we had hamburgers, pork chops, and ribs!!! Then we had potatoe salad, baked beans, rolls and peach cobbler!!! It ended up a wonderful day!!!

Our Pastor is doing a Revival in Newnan this week and so after the cook out we decided to go and be with him! He preached a wonderful sermon and then after that I got to talk to my Marine! He is doing good and actually enjoying himself! He got to go to the church on base Sunday and they asked him to lead the Singing and he loved it!! He said that it wasn't so bad there, just really HOT!! And the worst part of the whole thing is that he said that his phone does not have service and he can not call me!! But he is using a friends phone and will call when he can! And as long as I get to know that he is ok...I am fine! I hope that you all have a great day!


  1. Yummy food:) Glad you talked to Justin! I knew he would be OK! He will adjust and hopefully will enjoy the journey. Love you and have a great day!!!!!

  2. Jeff looks like a "Master Chef" at that grill! Sounds like you guys ate some good food! Glad you heard from Justin. He is a pretty tough dude! Have a wonderful day (with my little girls!!). Love you.

  3. Well, Cindy, I'm like you, as long as I know they're OK, I'm OK! We cooked out yesterday, too! So much good food. Love ya bunches :0)
