Saturday, September 19, 2009

Here and there and everywhere!

I will go ahead and apologize, No pictures!!
It was a crazy day and I just didn't get pictures loaded!
To start off with I was up and got my Twins off to school and then Alex and Avery up and dressed. Alex had school and Avery and I were meeting Ganky, Deeaaar Nanny, FooFoo and Kelly for breakfast! Still had a few things to do at Tracy's so off we went!

Got Alex to school and to Tracy's for a bit and then to breakfast!! Which was Delicious!! And then Alex has a Birthday next week so invitations had not got done yet and so off to get envelopes and stuff them and pass out the ones for school. Then to the office to give them the mail. From there to pick up Britani and then back to Tracy's to print more invitations. Had to go back to the office to stamp them and then to the post office!! Well it is now 2:45 and my soap that I have watched for 39 years was showing its very LAST episode yesterday. (Guiding Light) I just had to get home to watch it!! Then I decided I was leaving for dinner or going anywhere else UNTIL...I had to go get me-milk!! Got milk and Britani had gone on a date and waited on her to get home and then straight to bed I went!!
WOW!!! I think that after typing it all in for the blog I am tired again!!
My dog is not feeling so good so I am taking him to the Doctor this morning!
You all have a good day...
~Till Tomorrow~


  1. Me too, I am wore out. But... isn't it fun. Have a blessed day and hope Wallyford is OK. Love you!

  2. I was tired reading it! Busy mom! Have a great weekend!
