Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Party Delayed for Alex

The Friday before Valentines was when the party was suppose to be...but it got delayed because of snow!! And not to disappoint the little children they still got to have their party...just delayed!!
They made this cute little teddy bear picture frame with a picture of the class making a silly face in it!! She was so proud of it!!
Tracy had a dentist appointment and was not able to make it but me and Ganky filled in and had a blast!!

Here is the sweet little Valentine waiting on her special Valentine snack!! I can't believe she is going to be 6 this year!! :(

And during snack time here come this sweet little face!! Avery got to see us and even cheesed the camera for a picture!!

After snack we went back and played a few games in the room and my favorite game they played was this....BINGO!! And they had so much fun!!

So that was about it for the delayed Valentine's Party!! It was fun!
I hope that you all have a great day today!!
Oh and I won another give away!! I am so excited...
Thanks Lynda!!
~Till Tomorrow~


  1. Sweet day for sure! Love these times with the girls. They are always happy to see us and that makes me happy:) Love you and enjoy your day!

  2. Oh, such beautiful little faces, every time I see them it makes me wish that Nikky & Bill ywere small again....oh well, I'm glad that all of you enjoyed the party, especially those little gals :) have a great night, LYLAS!!!!

  3. Those girls are just too precious. I miss my daughter being that little. Looks like a great party.

  4. I LOVED all the pics. I am so glad you guys went. I hated to miss it! It makes me sad to miss things. :( I love you so very much!!
