Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of the season...

I love all the end of the season shows!! My all time favorite show is over now too!! What in the world am I gonna do with out all these shows...I am sure that I will get addicted to something else but I am gonna try not too!! I would like to NOT get drawn into another something that ties me down! But this show The Biggest Loser is over and WOW those people lost some weight!! Some lost HALF of their body weight!! And I can't loose 10 pounds!! WHY? Maybe I need to go to the Ranch!! hehe!!

Ok well got school today and I have a few things left to do on my project so, you all have a wonderful day!!

Keep Praying....IT WORKS!!


  1. Yep, I am having trouble with the weight loss thing too:) I will join you at the ranch! Have a great day! Love you, SIS!

  2. Hey, wait for me!!! I'm coming with all you gals going to the ranch. Wouldn't that really be fun...??!!!!!!! Even though we would be working our tushes off, we could meet each other and lose weight together and have a girl's moment in life!!.sigh.. We'll just have to keep on pluggin' away at home.... Have a great day! Hugs.

  3. If you go to the ranch I want to go too!!!!! If I hit the lottery I'm going for liposuction, I've looked for "Lipo For Dummies" at the book store :) Hope you have a great day, do well at school!!! LYLAS!!
