Saturday, July 3, 2010

The give-away I won...

I went to Ganky's (my sister) for a bit yesterday and worked on something for Justin's homecoming (a gift)!! I can't say cause sometimes he may go here and read!! haha!!
And when I got there I got a gift...I had guess the price for a book that she had bought at an antique store and I got a prize!!! YAYY ME!!!
Here is the bag it was in....little tiny pictures of my Marine that will be coming home soon!!

A special it!!! I don't know where I would be if it weren't for my sisters!! I love them all so much!! ( I have 3 of them)

And this cute little tray to hang on my wall!!! My sweet little Marine LOVES for me to make him biscuits, and I can not wait to make them for him!!

She had a few other thing and I couldn't get my camera to focus in and take a picture to share...I need a new one!!! UGH!!! But all is well!! I have not heard from Justin since yesterday afternoon which probably means that they are back in river city and can't get on the computer or call!! My heart just breaks!! I am so thankful that Justin is out of the battlefield, but there are so many more still out there!! It is just horrible!!

Well got a pool party planned to go to today and so I gotta get off here and cook a dessert!!! I hope that you all have a great day!

Keep Praying...IT WORKS!!


  1. I am so happy that you loved your gift:) I couldn't get a picture of the little gift either:( The picture I took of you with it was blurry... darnit! I guess I moved. I am getting so used to taking pictures with my iphone and I need to get the old camera back out!

    Enjoy your fun at the pool party! Justin will call as soon as he can and that we are SURE of!

    Love you bunches and I am thankful for you too!

  2. Sweet little gifts! Loved the tray, I bet it will look so cute hanging in your kitchen! Praying for all of our Marines & Military still in harms way! Have a great night! LYLAS!
