Monday, August 15, 2011

I got a twitch but still had fun!

Well to go ahead and get the complaining out of the way...I have a twitch in my left eye and it is driving me crazy!! I have had it for 4 days now and well from what I can tell it is from stress and tiredness!!!! Imagine that...I have both of those and do not see any break from either!!! I wish it would just stop!!!

OK so now on to the fun part...I WENT TO SIX FLAGS OVER GEORGIA!!

I hate that place...I DO NOT ride any of the rides!! The USMC keeps me on a roller coaster in life and I do not like it, and I really do not like any of the real roller coasters!! I am terrified of them!! I rode a couple of rides with Alex and Aver but for the most part...I SAT AND WATCHED!!

This is the group that went and as you can see it was a large group!! Had a lot of fun with them and glad I went except it was SO HOT!! I know that the kids enjoyed themselves and maybe next year I will just stay home and have dinner ready for them when they get back!! HA!!

Still no word from Justin! I know that he is busy and I have to keep in mind that "NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!" Sometimes that is easier said than done!! But I am trying...and well I am not doing such a good job at it!!! I have a package I am sending out today...sure hope he is getting all his goodies that we are sending him!!

Keep Praying...IT WORKS!!


  1. I hope your twitch goes away... ring, phone, ring! I hope Justin is getting all of our goodies! I am heading to the grocery store later to pack another one!

    Love you bunches! SIS

  2. Shoot... we had free Six Flags tickets and still didn't get around to going. I used to love it, but I guess I'm getting old. The place is smelly and gives me a headache. I'm all for cooking some good supper and having it ready when they arrive home.
    Love you and praying for Justin!

  3. I loved amusement parks when I was young. Now I like to stay close to home. I am with you. I don't ride much except the carousel these days! Too crazy for me! LOL!
    What a terrific family you have
