I know you all remember oh so well the 7 months of my Justin being deployed!!
Well he is gonna be on TV!!! A reporter followed them around and so now it is gonna be on HBO!!
Well he is gonna be on TV!!! A reporter followed them around and so now it is gonna be on HBO!!

When: February 17, 2010
What time: 9:00-10:30
I will be recording it and watching it!! I have seen several of the clips and can't believe that my sweet little boy did all that kind of stuff with all that gear and in that kind of weather!!! It will make you really appreciate the Military even more than you already do!!
Justin joined the USMC with not a real job in mind so he is a GRUNT...he is on the front line of a gun fire. A lot of guys have jobs and get to stay back at camp and do the work that no one ever sees. So many of the guys are never noticed in these type documentaries because they aren't the ones being shot at. So understand that if you watch this...it is real and it is graphic!!!
Today is not a lot going on...I was told by Avery (my 4 year old great niece) that I would be a better Cindy if I went to ball games like Ganky(her Grandma and my sister) haha!! So I think Austin has a game today and I will be going...I think Avery is wanting something from the confession stand (you know the snack bar)!!!! I hope that each of you have a wonderful day!!!
Hugs, Love, and Prayers to each of you!!