"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


And this one special Marine...My heart is full today!! I love him more than words could ever say and I miss him more than anyone could ever understand!! He was the one I talked to many times a day and sometimes for him or I just to say "I love you!" We talk about things and we are the best of friends!! I just want him home...I know that this deployment is about over...and I just can't wait!! I can't wait to wrap my arms around his neck and say welcome home son, welcome home!!! He knows that I love him and that I am here praying and worrying!! I tell him so many times how proud I am of him and I thank him for everything that he is doing! When I am hot...I think where he is its even hotter! When I am hungry..,.where he is all he has is a MRE. I get me a shower and I think...where he is there is no shower!! Wow...and we all complain of such small things...think about the sacrifices these brave young men and women are making for us!! My heart just breaks! I feel so selfish!!