Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

This is a day everyone sets aside to begin "Summer"! I have really always looked at it that way myself...until Last year! On July 7th 2008 my son Justin Webb Simmons joined the USMC! He went off to Parris Island and was there for 13 weeks! There was such a change in him after that! In the picture it has a quote from President Ronald Reagan 1985
"Some people spend a lifetime wondering if they made a difference.
The MARINES don't have that problem"
This is a picture of the Iwo Jima in Parris Island. I can remember when we would walk past it Justin would have to remove his cover(hat), and salute it! It would give you chills to see all of the new Marines doing this!

And here is the company that he was in during bootcamp and they made him into the marine that he is today! He actually says he would rather be back in bootcamp alot of times!! They were always so busy and that is what he likes!

I hope that everyone has a great beginning to the summer and enjoy your Memorial Day!


  1. Great pictures! I am so proud of "My Justin"! Love you and have a great day!

  2. Hard to believe it was a year ago! Those are great pictures! He is such a good man. I love the fact that when given the choice to go have a free weekend, he chooses FAMILY! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!
