Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She's home!!!

Oh how happy I was to see this lovely face come walking up the steps!!! Our home has been so empty with out her here!! But she is back and we are gonna get this sugar thing under control!!! We are like two peas in a pod!! We laugh, cry and just go through everything together!!

And this is Justin's girlfriends mom, Leah!!!! She is the sweetest person!! We have so much fun together!! She is a nurse and said that she will help us out in any way with granny's diabetes!! She was here with me as I gave her the first shot of insulin!! Her sugar was down to 212 before the shot!!! I did pretty good!! I use to do it all the time...20 years ago for my mama!! And now I will be more than happy to give it to Brenda AKA doublegranny!
Ok well you all have a great day and I will keep you all posted on Granny! Ganky will be coming to take her to the doctor this morning!! It takes everyone pulling together to take care of the ones that mean to most to us!!


  1. I am happy she is home too! She has so many people who love her and we'll get her back healthy! Thanks Leah for joining us:) Love you, Sis!

  2. I am glad she is home too! She has a good "nurse". That is a great pic of you two. I never saw that one. Leah is pretty. I see where Bailey gets her looks from. Have a great day!!

  3. I love how your family pulls together. It seems like none of you are ever too busy to help the other out. Adopt me. lol!
