This is Bradley with his FFA project....McGraw the Cow!
And just to let you know this is not just any cow...he is a very aggressive cow!! He has to be fed 2 times a day and watered as needed but lately, he has just not wanted to leave his water bucket in one spot...I guess he is hot and wants to do some swimming!!
He must be wanting to come to Gankys to the party this weekend!! :)
But anyways, He has busted 2 water buckets and keeps kicking the new one over so we were at the Barn late last night trying to dry out his pen and tying his water bucket up so that he doesn't keep his pen under water!! I know...It is hot and he may like it but the FFA teacher says we must keep it dry!!! So that is what we worked on last night and it needs more attention today!! UGH!! I have a lot to do and then McGraw is just needing our attention right now!!
SO....That is how I spent my Tuesday Evening!!
FFA meeting and working at the Barn!!!
You all enjoy your day...I am back to work for a couple of days!!! My eye is better...thanks for the prayers!!
Enjoy your day!!!
Keep Praying...IT WORKS!!