Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Back to these smiling faces!

Well Spring Break is over and I am back at work and these precious girls are back from their vacation!! I was so happy to see them!! And they were so happy to see me!! Avery said "Cinnie I love you so much!!" Alex just wanted my phone number so that she could learn it and call me!! Haha!!
They are precious and I missed them but we all enjoyed to break!!

So after my day at work I came home and cooked dinner and off to school I went!! I am enjoying it and a lot of it is familiar because I have helped my kids with so many projects!! So that is about it for me!!

Have a great day!!

~Till Tomorrow~

Oh and I got a letter from Justin...It made me cry...!!!! He is home-sick and really ready to be with his family!!

Keep Praying...IT WORKS!!


  1. I know they were happy to see you! They are such a joy to be around. Alex calls me every day and I look forward to that sweet voice:) He did sound homesick in that sweet letter, but he will hopefully call soon and you can hear his happy voice. Love him and praying for him always! Love you and have a great day! SIS

  2. Ohh they ask every night "Is Cinnie coming tomorrow?". I knew they would be happy to see you. Glad you got a letter from Justin, but sorry it upset you. I am so ready for him to come back home and everything be back to normal. It will not be long now. Congrats on doing well in school. See you later. Love you!

  3. Never stop praying! The Lord will get tired of us begging he'll send him home just to shut us up! lol! Healthy and safely!!!! xoxo

  4. Awww, such sweet faces! Glad they had a good time, so cute Alex wants to call you up! No tears my dear friend, Justin wouldn't want you to cry, he just wanted you to knwo that he's ready for some of that home cooking & some hugs & kisses from his number one girl ~ his Momma!!! Like Joyce said, the Lord is going to get sick of listening to all of us say PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE and tell him GO GO GO ~ LOL!!!! He'll be here before you know it, I promise you that!!!! So chin up & just concentrate on school, gotta get those A's!!!! Have a great night, call me if you need me!!! Love Ya!!!!! LYLAS!!
